Monday, August 11, 2008

The Dreaded Inbox

I didn't used to cringe when I signed on to AOL.  I used to like the computerized "you've got mail" announcement.  That was when I knew that any mail was from family or friends sharing funny stories or passing along invitations to fun events.  It's not that I don't like getting mail, it's just a bit exhausting when you sign on and realize you have 25 new messages just in the past 8 hours.  Don't actors and directors ever sleep?  How can I possibly get that many messages between midnight and seven in the morning?  It's a question I continually ask myself :)  

  Last night's fun rehearsal went well.  I think they had a good time and I think it served it's purpose of bringing them together and making them feel like a complete cast.  Up until this week for the most part they have been separated into their own groups: The Lords, The Lovers, The Fools and the Spirits, last night was the first time they really mixed and mingled with each other.  Not everyone could be there though, we were missing five out of the 17.   Most of them are sick or injured, I hate telling the director that we'll be missing people.  Last night I told him and he said, "they have to stop getting sick."  -- 'Cause I'm sure they are all doing it on purpose!  Fingers crossed we'll have a full cast tonight -- for the first time in nearly 2 weeks.  

  The set of one acts that will be going up at the same time as Tempest are all in rehearsal now.  That's making me a bit crazy, it's an additional 6 plays to schedule rehearsals for and an additional 14 actors to interact with.  Not a bad thing, but it does take a bit of time.  

  The last play of the season, our original show of the year is also moving into production, which means in the next or so I'll be adding 9 more actors to my roster.  I'm excited for that one, it should be a good show.  I'll be more excited if I end up just being the production manager and not the stage manager.  I'm interviewing a couple of people today regarding the SM and ASM positions I have open.  
   I'm pretty skeptical about finding good stage managers.  There are several reasons, the first is we don't pay -- I know that's probably insulting.  It's a thankless job and we can't even offer a stipend.  I don't get paid either, but I know these people and I love all of them.  That's why I do it.  It's hard to explain that to someone who doesn't know them and doesn't love them yet.  It's also a big task and if you have never done it before it can be overwhelming.  I need someone who really wants to jump in and take over.  I'll help of course, I don't mind teaching and advising, but I have my own show right now, so I need someone ready to do the job well.  I've had SM's quit before.  I think there is some myth that the SM has an easy job until tech week.  Not true at all.  Tech week is where the fun starts, but the hardest part is the 8-12 weeks leading up to tech week.  If you don't make it to tech week you miss the best part, but if you can't handle the hard stuff, maybe you don't deserve the fun part.  
  Things I must get done today -- flesh out a rehearsal schedule with times for this week for Tempest cast, make a birthday list also for The Tempest cast -- I like to bring them cupcakes and a card for everyone to sign -- I really believe it's the little things like that that make casts feel valued, contact sheet for the original show, rehearsal schedule for 3 of the one acts and schedule auditions for the last role in the original show.  Not too bad of a list, although I'm sure it will grow as the day goes on :)


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