Thursday, September 3, 2009

8 Days and Counting

Sometimes the magic of theater amazes me, other times it makes me really nervous. Our next production, Friends Like These, opens in exactly 8 days. The wonderful cast is ready to go, they could perform tonight, if we had a set, costumes, props, lights and sound. All minor details really, right? If I say that to myself enough I may start to believe it. Unfortunately I know the truth, but I also know that the miracle of the theater will occur, it will all come together and all will be well when we preview next Friday night -- I hope :)

Being in our space last night, our theater was great. It will still take a while for that to sink in. We actually have a home. It needs some work, but talking with our artistic directors, president and tech director last night it all seems doable. We can truly make this a home for ourselves. Not too bad for a second year company, no more nomadic wandering, no more rehearsing in office spaces or church basements, we have our own theater! I can't say that enough. I don't think any of the nine of us who founded this company thought we'd be here so soon. It really is incredible.

So much more to do today. Must finish getting the cast lists out for our coffee shop series, Through a Caffeine Haze, have a few things to print off before the exec and company meetings tonight. Have to load up the car with more garage sale items and take them to the theater and on a personal note, must pick up cat litter before 11pm tonight because the 24 hour Ralph's near my house insists on closing during their renovation, thus ceasing to become a 24 hour store, I should also really through a few things in a bag, as I am escaping the smoke of LA for the weekend!

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